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BookMarks for the Soul: Complete Series [29]
Honoring Our Gifts




Health and Well-Being 

I am enjoying wonderful HEALTH and WELL-BEING.  My body is functioning perfectly just as designed.  My senses are WIDE-open, appreciating all of the GIFTS awaiting me.   


When I awake in the morning, I always look forward to the delightful DAY ahead of me.  I include JOY and GRATITUDE in my thoughts and activities and many moments of being especially MINDFUL of what I am experiencing.    


My body is always leading me to a PATH of Vibrant Health.  I  LISTEN to its wisdom and HONOR its messages.    


It is easy for me to make healthy, nutritious FOOD  CHOICES and drink generous amounts of  WATER.  Just thinking about the Beautiful Effect they have on my body makes me want to include them in my glorious day.    


I delight myself with the GIFT of peaceful slumber.  I awaken naturally when I am ready to experience the BEAUTY of a New Day. 


 My Body

Whenever I breathe, reach,  stretch and walk, I use my body as a Conduit for SPIRITUAL CONNECTION.


My EARTHLY  FORM reflects the Work I have chosen to undertake and I
congratulate and celebrate the Body which embraces this awesome journey.


When I am lost in the expectations of what others want from me, I RECONNECT to
My Authentic Self and find my way back to Who I Truly Am.



I use the PHYSICAL  SENSES of my body to connect with THE T HRIVING NATURE  of Mother Earth.


Each day I give thanks for the Divinely Inspired BODY which creates a perfect home for my SPIRIT,  accompanying me on my EARTHLY  JOURNEY and experiencing so vibrantly the joy, challenges and adventures of my life.


I can speak to my Body and Know that it will HONOR  whatever  Intention I express.   





 I continue to be amazed at the BEAUTY of the softness of loving eyes, the WONDER of a strolling child, and the forthright tears of a BROKEN heart seeking
to mend itself


 The most beautiful Legacy that the Universe bestows upon me is the MAJESTY and MAGIC of the PRESENT  MOMENT.     




I feel infinite Patience and Compassion whenever something is communicated to me out of
my own comfort  zone.  I  BREATHE  DEEPLY and access the WISDOM  of my
heart in responding.    


When I feel the pathways of my body PULSE with the ANGER of unspoken words, I call the Emotion fully to my heart, releasing its HOLD on my body.  Then,  SPEAKING  MY  TRUTH with gentleness and compassion, I  RECEIVE  THE  LESSON it carries.    


Unresolved CONFLICT sometimes masks the Beautiful Bond I have with another.  I bring this Joy to the LIGHT and watch the issue fade away.   




Speaking My Truth

When the Messages I give to others MATCH the Messages of my heart…my body and spirit begin to HEAL and my joy awakens.  


I speak my truth so that I can keep my Heart FREE  TO  FLY.  I listen to your truth so
that you Can Join Me.  




Releasing Pain

 I  joyfully RELEASE  the  FEAR  response of endless attempts to find solutions to
every problem and gratefully SURRENDER to Divine Guidance as my Source of
Light and Love.


 Before I release any personal tension that is troubling me…I BLESS it and THANK it
for giving expression to unresolved pain being held in my body.


 Whenever I feel pain in my body, I sit quietly and gently rest my hands on the sources of my distress, BLESSING  it and SENDING it Healing Love.


  Physical symptoms and emotional upsets indicate a DISCONNECT from Pure Love.  It is the Reconnection to this Love that returns me to HEALTH and WHOLENESS.


 When I truly understand and accept that I am ATTRACTING that which irritates and annoys me, I look to MYSELF as the SOURCE and I undertake RECONCILIATION  of this unhealed pain.  



Reminders  from the Universe

 Just as I choose to bring into my life the experiences I desire, I also practice the Art of Allowing and HONOR  THE  PATHS of others.    


 I take note of the REMINDERS  Life gives me that I still have WORK to do and
embrace my assignment with a brave and willing heart.    


LIFE   LESSONS present themselves to me each day through the most unexpected and creative channels.  I watch carefully for the CLUES that point me to the PATH  of  WISDOM.  



Gifts from the Universe

 I express my DESIRE to the Universe, release my EXPECTATION of HOW it
will appear and wait for the GIFT to be delivered to me.   


 The simple beauty of Synchronicity signals a DIVINE  UNIVERSE embracing the hopes and dreams of my H IGHER  SELF.  


 Because the concept of TIME is a human invention and there is no PAST or FUTURE…I only need access the ETERNAL NOW in my choices to change the STORY  OF  MY  LIFE.


$75 - Complete Series - Booksmarks for the Soul: Honoring Our Gifts (29 Bookmarks)



Complete Series   |   Health & Well-Being   |    My Body    |    Beauty   |   Communication
Speaking My Truth    |   Releasing Pain   |   Reminders from the Universe   |   Gifts from the Universe


Weding Gift

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Ask yourself: 
What would LOVE do?








"Mystic Marks are written from the soul, speak to the soul, and comfort the soul in the spiritual journey."
~ Janie Kolenda, Michigan



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