Mystic Marks
Bookmarks for the Soul have become a favorite
among LifeLine practitioners, life coaches, counselors,
ministers, teachers, mentors and those who provide guidance
and inspiration to others. Find out about our
special pricing for professionals.
The LifeLine Technique™ is both an ancient and advanced
complete system of transformation and wholeness. It’s a
philosophy, science, and quantum technology that bridges
gaps between the conscious and subconscious mind. At the
root of every symptom, stress and disease is a subconscious
emotional pattern of reaction. When activated this pattern
of reaction will cause both behavioral and biological
The cornerstone of the LifeLine Technique is our
view of symptoms, stress and disease. Rather than something
being wrong with a person; symptoms, stress and disease are
the language your body and life use to awaken you to your
authentic power of transformation and create change. The
LifeLine Technique™ enables a person to activate their
subconscious mind and thus have a direct impact on genetic
expressions affecting the health of your body and the
relationships in your life.
We focus
on the Five Basics for Optimal Health-the quantity, quality,
frequency of water, food, rest, exercise and owning your
power. Anyone who is passionate about taking responsibility
for their life and consciously bringing out their best can
be trained to be a Certified LifeLine Practitioner. There
are currently Certified LifeLine Practitioners throughout
the entire world.
Note: Under certain circumstances Marie
Helena will consider creating bookmarks to meet the special
needs of clients identified by persons working in the
helping professions. Contact Marie at
if you would like to discuss this possibility.